PAKISAMA Mutual Benefit Association, Inc.
Founding Convention of the PAKISAMA Mutual

After almost 2 years of continuous discussion by the PAKISAMA officers and study sessions conducted by external consultants with individual members of PAKISAMA base organizations, the PAKISAMA Mutual Benefit Association (PAKISAMA Mutual) was finally formally established on August 17, 2002, in a founding convention held right after the PAKISAMA National Congress. 

The PAKISAMA Mutual founding convention was attended by around 40 founding member-policy holders, who also elected among themselves the founding Board of Trustees (BOT).  The founding congress also served as the venue for the approval of the associations Constitution and By-Laws.

Most of the founding member-policy holders, who are also PAKISAMA staff and/or members, are representatives of the various PAKISAMA affiliate organizations and units that have decided to participate in the micro-insurance program, as articulated in the respective Board Resolutions the organizations submitted for the purpose. 

The keynote speaker for the founding congress was Mr. Gerard Pierik, Senior Vice President for Agricultural Affairs of the Interpolis, one of the partners of the PAKISAMA Mutual.  Mr. Pierik took this opportunity to also award to the PAKISAMA Mutual a Certificate of Friendship from the Interpolis and the Agriterra.  The Certificate was graciously received by PAKISAMA President Ananias Loza and PMBA President Oscar Castillo.

All founding member-policy holders also received their membership certificates and insurance policies, which were awarded by Mr. Pierik, Mr. Loza and Mr. Castillo.

The PAKISAMA Mutual founding convention was held at the ISO, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City.     [Picture Gallery]