The first in a series of planned workshops for the key field personnel of the PAKISAMA Mutual was held last November 4 to 6, 2002. Dubbed the Training-Workshop Program for the Start-Up of the PMBA at the Regional/Local Levels, the main aims of the activity were to map out the following:
1. Train the 1st batch of Kadamays and the four (4) Branch Insurance Coordinators (BICs) on the PMBA and its product
2. Plan the initial "sales" or recruitment target for their respective areas and organization
3. Plan the setting up of collection and disbursement mechanism per chapter and area
There were 35 participants, who were essentially the Kadamays from the initial 14 chapters of the PMBA, the 4 BICs, and the BOT members and staff of the PAKISAMA Mutual. The topics for the activity were as follows:
1. Insurance Concepts/Experiences: Focus on Micro-Insurance
2. The PAKISAMA Mutual: Background and Relation with the PAKISAMA, Juridical Personality, Articles of Incorporation/By-Laws, Organizational Structure, and Roles and Functions of Officers and Staff
3. The Initial Product of the PAKISAMA Mutual: Details of the Initial Product, The Membership Agreement Terms and Conditions, The Membership Application Form, Staff Commissions Structure
4. Financial Management and Other Administrative Policies/Procedures
5. Workshop on Marketing the Initial Product: Identifying the Target, Developing a Marketing Implementation Plan
6. Orientation on the Stitching OASE
7. Salient Features of the Insurance Code: Focus on Mutual Benefit Associations
An interesting highlight of the workshop is the topic on the Insurance Code of the Philippines focusing on mutual benefit associations (MBA). The representatives from the Insurance Commission informed the participants that there were only 13 duly licensed MBAs in the country for 2002-2003, which includes the PAKISAMA Mutual, which is the first MBA organized by a farmers group.
As a result of the workshop, the targeted membership for the next year has been laid down. All in all, the 14 chapters represented in the workshop, who have a combined membership of 15,000, targeted a conservative 8,000 policyholders for enrollment.
Among the other plans for next year include the conduct the training for 2nd batch of Kadamays, launching of the PAKISAMA Mutual and its initial product at the local levels, setting up of the collection and disbursement mechanism at the local levels including the opening of local depository bank accounts that are easily accessible to the field personnel, and actual product marketing/membership recruitment.